Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Thouness of Oneness of Spirit


Thou to Thou

Communion Happening

Jul 16, 2016


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs


Communion happens
simply by our Yes
to let it happen

Yet, truly, Communion
does not merely happen
but is happening

Communion is always, already,
we simply are graced
to enter into the Sharing of Grace with Grace

A few days ago, I wrote a message to a new friend and colleague. I do not know her well, and did not know for sure how she would receive the message - "Hi Thou from Thou." She received the message with understanding, and so began some friendly text dialogue.

Thou, Thee, Thy, Thine, used first prior to the 12th Century, arose from Greek and Hebrew personal pronouns that stress the identify of the one addressed in exclusion of all others. In reference to "God," the English Thou denotes respect, reverence, and recognition of the holiness, or totally otherness of "God" in distinction from all others. This is why one of my religion professors in college refused to discontinue use of Thou when referring to "God."

But what of Thou in the use of addressing my colleague and friend? Well, I did it somewhat jocular, and somewhat not jocular. I mean, I was being humorous - I hoped -, while knowing full well that it was natural for me to recognize and respect her as an expression of the Totally Otherness that makes our sharing potentially a holy communion, not merely a relational interaction. That is, Grace lifts commonness to the category of Otherness, not as separation but as Sacredness, Mystery, Oneness.

Yet, Thou, or this Oneness, expresses Itself in communion, which entails distinction. Thou celebrates Thou. Thou differentiates to seek Itself in the otherness, and return this otherness into the lived expression of Oneness, even prior to Union, for Union still implies a Union of two or more. This is why some Christian theologians have spoken of the Oneness of Godhead as being the source of the Trinity - Godhead being Oneness without any diversification, or diversity. Likewise, Mahayana Buddhists posit the Dharmakaya, or Truth Body, as the "Buddha" beyond Buddha, beyond all Buddhas.

So, yes, the contemplative expression of consciousness enjoys this play of communion with others, human and non-human, seen and unseen. Nonduality is not the negation of diversity, but surrenders to the playfulness of the differentiations of the single, solitary Source.

The play of Grace, then, in all its forms, even birth and death, is the expression of Oneness and communion. As the Gospel of John, in the Christian Bible reads, "And the Word assumed flesh," implies intuition of the I Am becoming I Am this and that. And, when this and that awakens to the truth, to the seeing of, this fact of mutual likeness, not mere identity, in Love, holy communion can consciously take place, even in the gladdened embrace of the differences among us. Simply said, Love appears to enjoy differentiating; Love seems to like to assume form so as to hide-and-seek with Itself and draw us back into holy communion, which transcends all that would negate our togetherness as One. We either say "Yes" or "No," and our "Yes" means a surrender finally to be drawn back, or forward, through communion to the Oneness that births the joy of our true, pure, and loving sharing among ourselves. The Solitary enters into being, even happening, among.

Recognizing, then, communion as Sacredness sharing with Sacredness, our lives are lifted to an experience and inspiration that interaction as mere human interaction cannot provide for us. We see others and ourselves totally differently when arises this consciousness of Love-in-Love being Love, a spontaneous expression of Thou and Thou, and in which Oneness does not negate differentiation but celebrates it as the conscious living out of Itself to experience togetherness.



Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Thouness of Oneness of Spirit

©Brian Wilcox 2024